Welcome to Resource Strategies

where the anatomy of transition meets the creative process

Where successful leaders navigate personal and professional transitions, gain confidence, and say yes to their best life. 


Sheila Siden, MBA

Development Specialist



What's possible?

Discover the transformative journey of Michael Ellsworth, co-founder of Civilization, an award-winning design studio. Learn how his Purpose Pivot turned around his leadership and relationships within his team.


Give yourself the gift of time.

Join me for Coffee Talk, a powerful pause for navigating transitions and creating opportunities for growth.


  • Neuroscience and nervous system regulating tools to manage overwhelm and stress.
  • Emotional equations for inner peace (a reader fave!)
  • Lessons in eco cycles of life and business. 
  • How one question can change everything.

Hits your inbox every Friday.


ASPIRE Coffee Talk

transitions, crossroads, and change, oh my!

One day change bopped me on the head and said "pay attention! Your plates are spinning into the wild blue yonder!" I was juggling calls, fact finding, and decision-making for work on my office phone and for Dad's social worker on my cell phone. Every last thing felt equally urgent.

Dominos toppled right and left as my struggle for work-life balance took on new responsibilities for dad’s elder care. He treated me like a 12-year-old, in that old dynamic, while I was the adult with cognitive competence figuring out bureaucracies more complicated than an NEA grant.

He'd yell "just do what I say!" like he did when I was a kid. I struggled emotionally and cognitively, then added a string of chronic pain dominos after sustaining a hip injury helping him transfer from his wheelchair to the car.

Transitions can be complicated by the triple threat: how we see ourselves, how others see us, and what society expects of us.

Awareness is the key to making transitions an opportunity for personal growth. 

Recalling that day juggling calls: it was the moment I perceived the enormity of my iceberg situation. Self-preservation got itself onto my to do list.

Self-preservation even got me to engage a coach. Her focus was on accountability: I had to accept that I was choosing every hardship. Yes I chose. As a result, I had to work on my boundaries and draw some limits.

Still, transitions, crossroads, and change exist outside the realm of accountability and procrastination. The reason they’re so difficult is because the territory is new.

My mission now is to employ a lot more tools than accountability to make transitions more elegant less chaotic, more supportive less suffering, more learning, less stuck.

Transitions, crossroads, and change can become “Who am I now?” moments, challenging our sense of identity.

I am an adult adoptee. When my mom died in the 1990’s, half of my constructed world collapsed. When dad died, the other half fell. Soon, I discovered the adult adoptee movement online, becoming an adoptee mentor. I understood the “who am I now?” question even better.

My mission now is to help my clients flourish in a way that is aligned with their own individual ideas and values. Our fundamental coaching focus is to look at the dissonance that may be within the expectations they grew up with and where they want to be in their life now.

Fun Facts

I love a writers group and timed writing. It’s an explosion of sharing and creativity. ✍️

I can see Canada from my house. 😀

Arts are my life: symphony, community theater, Festivals, fairs, painting, master gardening. After 15 years as an arts administrator, now I get to attend and enjoy (and donate.) 🎭

join me on FB for Creative Beginnings


Let’s get creative about transitions, crossroads, and change! 

Join me for Coffee Talk, a powerful pause for navigating transitions and creating opportunities for growth.

Join me for Coffee Talk


“I was overwhelmed. Knew I had a blind spot. Needed a new perspective. But overwhelm kept me stuck. Sheila helped me leverage neuroscience and nervous system regulating tools to manage overwhelm and stress so I could be the leader my business needed when my personal life got really messy.” 


“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

Albert Einstein